
Support Information

  • eFilePlus User Guides

    eFilePlus User Guides

    Access and Roles
    • eFilePlus System Roles (pdf)
    • eFilePlus System Access (pdf)
    General Overview
    • Understanding the eFilePlus System: eFile, Snapshots, Roles and Routing (pdf)
    eFile, Data Entry, Career History
    • Creating and Maintaining eFiles (pdf)
    • Using eFilePlus to Import Teaching Load and Evaluations (pdf)
    • eFilePlus Publications guidelines (pdf)
    • eFilePlus Self-Statement help (pdf)
    • Using eFilePlus for Entry and Maintenance of Patents (pdf)
    • Using the Faculty Data Entry Assistant feature (pdf)
    • Using Google Drive (a.k.a. R' Docs) to Store and Share Large Files (e.g. MP3 files) (pdf)
    • How to Export eFilePlus Data (C.V. Generator) (pdf)
    • eFilePlus – How to Add Capstone Mentor Activity (pdf)
    • Additional Teaching Evaluations (pdf)
    Extramural Letters
    • eFilePlus - Solicitation of Extramural Letters: File Preparer Guide (pdf)
    • eFilePlus - Solicitation of Extramural Letters: Referee Guide (pdf)
    Reviews, Snapshots, Workflow & Routing
    • eFilePlus - How eFilePlus Supports the 220 Process (pdf)
    • Using eFilePlus to Update Records and Import New Records into Snapshots (pdf)
    • eFilePlus - Reviewing Snapshots: Candidate, Chair, Faculty Reviewers (pdf)
    • eFilePlus - Reviewing Snapshots: College / School Dean's Analyst Review (pdf)
    • eFilePlus - Reviewing Snapshots: Dean, Associate Dean Review (pdf)
    • eFilePlus - Reviewing Snapshots: VPAP, PEVC, and Chancellor (pdf)
    • eFilePlus - Using Comments in Snapshots (pdf)
    • eFilePlus - Using "Tags" to Assign Snapshots (pdf)
    • eFilePlus – Generating a PDF of a Snapshot (pdf)
    • How to Process a Deferral (pdf)
    • How to Process an Appointment (pdf)
    • How to Search for Snapshots (pdf)
  • Best Practices for File Preparation & Processing and eFilePlus Guidelines

    eFilePlus Steps for Processing Merit Files

    In preparing the merit files for Faculty, the Academic Personnel staff are charged with providing guidance to the faculty candidates and the chair on the interpretation and application of UC policies and procedures, the compilation of data to update eFile, and to provide consultative advice to assist faculty with their merit files. Faculty can update the eFile database or they can delegate the responsibility to the AP staff.   

    Below are steps in the processing of merit files, as well as guidelines for what to do and what not to do during the process.

    Merit File Processing Steps

    • Attend annual Call Meeting sponsored by the Academic Personnel Office.
    • Read The Call and read any clarifications/changes to The Call that are distributed during the merit cycle.
    • In June or July, the Dean’s office will provide a preliminary “Merit/Promotion Eligibility Listing”. This list tells you who is scheduled for appraisals, merits, promotions, and/or quinquennial reviews for the year for all senate and non-senate titles.  This list should be validated against departmental information to make sure the list is complete.  Make sure the list includes the off scale (o/s) suffix for those on off-scale salaries.
    • The chair notifies the department by letter or email the action each faculty member is eligible for. A timeline is issued as to when their information must be complete in e-file.
    • The chair sends a separate letter or email to all faculty asking if anyone (who was not on the eligibility list) intends to submit a merit file (ie. Acceleration). A timeline is issued as to when their information must be complete in e-file.
    • The AP staff member Notifies the AP Analyst in the Dean’s office if any additional faculty would like to submit a file during this review cycle.
    • A new finalized eligibility list will be sent out from the Dean’s office in August.
    • The Chair and Academic Personnel staff member will develop a schedule for the merit cycle for that year’s review cycle.
    • The AP staff should assist the Chair to set up departmental ad hoc committees. (Not all departments or files are handled this way). The departmental ad hoc committees are strictly confidential and the candidate should not be notified about who is on their ad hoc committee. The departmental ad hoc committees consist of three members – a chair and two other members. These members are selected due to their expertise in the research discipline and how their work relates to the Candidate’s. Thus, they can review the Candidate’s file and make the necessary recommendations. Once a candidate’s file is ready, the ad hoc committee meets on the file and an ad hoc committee report is prepared by the chair of that particular ad hoc committee and submitted to the chair.  
    • The AP staff help the faculty gather the information they will need to process their merit files such as teaching for the past three years , teaching evaluations, current graduate students, current post docs, committee service, miscellaneous letters (such as “thank you” letters), current and pending grants (collect or validate data with financial analysts or through the Office of Research and Economic Development (RED) .
    • Candidate’s reprints of publications need to be kept updated in the department office or uploaded and/or linked through e-file.  Departments should retain copies of all reprints for each faculty member.
    • The AP staff must notify the Chair that a Teaching Department statement is needed (2-3 sentences describing departmental teaching norms, the unusual circumstance which lead to some courses not being evaluated, and any other elements of teaching that may be unique to the department).  The Chair of the department is responsible for providing this statement.
    • The AP staff must work with faculty to update their information through eFile (faculty can input the updates or the AP staff can be delegated this responsibility). 
    • The AP staff must verify that the information already in the eFile system is accurate and up to date.
      • Always check publication status to make sure it is correct for this current Merit cycle (by changing the status from “submitted” to “in press” or “published” as needed).
      • Have the faculty candidate verify the information again once everything’s been updated
      • Update the information in eFile on an ongoing basis (this is best if it’s kept up throughout the year).
      • Work closely with the faculty to process the information and make sure he/she verifies all the information you enter (continuously).
      • Double check your work for accuracy, especially the Difference List.
      • Compare the Departmental Letter with the file materials for accuracy, especially when the chair quotes numbers.
        • Add duplicate information via e-file (for example, adding an invited talk under Professional Activity and Service, and then again under University and Public Service).
        • Wait until the last minute to start adding information into eFile
        • Never submit a file to the Dean’s Office without a comprehensive review of all file materials

    Academic Personnel Review Process Roles

    Outlined below are the various roles for which each participant in the review process is responsible. These guidelines do not replace either the Academic Personnel Manual (APM) or the UCR Call, but rather supplement and reiterate key aspects of the procedures. Please note that it is extremely important to adhere to deadlines for submission of files, and to ensure that submitted files are accurate and conform to campus policies.

    The Department Chair

    The department chair should:

    • Assist faculty candidates in understanding their rights in the review process and the importance of reading the CALL. Offer guidance and mentoring to new faculty regarding trajectory of their careers.
    • Review departmental voting procedures with department faculty at the first department meeting. Voting procedures are required to be submitted by October 15 or before the first case is discussed in the Fall quarter on an annual basis.
    • Communicate clearly the deadlines for submission of materials in the file.
    • Ensure that both candidate and review faculty are properly informed. Chairs should review departmental procedures.
    • Understand that the departmental recommendation letter is a critical part of the file.

    The Faculty Candidate

    The candidate should:

    • Review the CALL and the document "Advancement and Promotion at UC Riverside" on the APO website.
    • Meet with the chair to understand department review process.
    • Understand cutoff dates and ensure that new materials and change in status are submitted before the cutoff date.
    • Prepare their review file.
    • Have copies of publications available for department review.
    • Submit a self-statement, describing and evaluating achievements and recognition earned. (Optional)
    • Work collaboratively with the departmental Academic Personnel staff. Keep lines of communication open throughout the process.

    Academic Personnel Staff

    Academic Personnel Staff should:

    • Pay attention to details to reduce the number of corrections that have to be made on each individual file and help to save time.
    • Assess the department letter:
      • Read and audit the department letter against the contents of the file.
      • Address any acceleration issue (e.g., one-year accelerated merit increase, etc.); identifying the action for consideration is helpful to subsequent reviewers.
      • Consider whether the letter addresses any minority opinion.
      • Double check the bibliography and the difference list.
    • Never submit a file to the Dean’s Office without a comprehensive review of all file materials.

    Eligible Voting Faculty

    Eligible Voting Faculty should:

    • Allow adequate time to review the file before the department meeting.
    • Review the department letter before the chair finalizes it.

    In General

    Faculty should:

    • Update information in their eFile on an ongoing basis (it is best for the file to be updated throughout the year).
    • Work closely with Academic Personnel staff to process and verify information.
    • Double check all materials for accuracy, especially the Difference List.
    • Avoid adding duplicate information via e-file (for example, adding an invited talk under Professional Activity and Service and then again under University and Public Service).
    • Begin adding information into eFile in a timely manner to avoid last-minute issues.
  • Contacts
    Levels of Support
    • First Level Support: Subject Matter Expert (SME). SME within each College/School; the SMEs will interact with one another and provide first line support for both staff and faculty. For a list of SMEs for your organization, see the list below.

    • Second Level Support: Academic Personnel Office (APO) Support. If the SMEs cannot resolve an issue, it will be escalated to APO for a response or resolution.  IMPORTANT: To ensure a timely response, send an email to This email address is monitored and managed by APO.

    • Third Level Support: Information Technology Systems (ITS) Support. If APO cannot resolve the issue, it will be escalated to ITS for a response or resolution.  APO will create a support ticket through ServiceLink and will coordinate the resolution effort with ITS.  The SME and the person who reported the issue will be added to the watch list.

    Send support requests to

    eFilePlus also provides an information site with users guides/knowledge base articles for all users. To access, click on this link:

    Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): For questions on eFilePlus, please contact your organization's representative.

    Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE)

    Tiffany Lindsey
    Phone: (951) 827-6237

    College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS)

    Mayra Hong
    Phone: (951) 827-7879

    Patti O’Leary
    Phone: (951) 827-1236

    College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS)

    Marie Good
    Phone: (951) 827-4228

    Joy Salas
    Phone: (951) 827-7292

    School of Education (SOE)

    Victoria Anaya
    Phone: (951) 827-2268

    School of Business

    Ana Kafie
    Phone: (951) 827-2909

    Monica Miller
    Phone: (951) 827-3695

    School of Medicine (SOM)

    Eric Chong
    Phone: (951) 827-2079

    Wydette Morales
    Phone: (951) 827-7677

    Brenda Carrion
    Phone: (951) 827-7673

    School of Public Policy (SPP)

    Victoria Anaya
    Phone: (951) 827-2268

    Office of Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE)

    Annette Brock
    Phone: (951) 827-1842

  • Data Migration Information

    List of Faculty Migrated from eFile to eFilePlus

    This listing contains the names of all faculty eFiles (emeritus, active, inactive) that have been migrated from the eFile System to the new eFilePlus Academic Personnel System.

    To find a name in the PDF, use Ctrl-F or choose Find from the Edit Menu.

    eFiles Migrated from eFile to eFilePlus on 5/11/2018 (pdf)

    eFiles Migrated from eFile to eFilePlus on 7/21/2018 (pdf)