
UC Recruit

The Academic Personnel Recruit System (AP Recruit or UC Recruit) is a part of the Academic Personnel Systems for the University of California, Riverside. UC Recruit is a secure online academic employment recruitment management system, supporting the entire recruitment workflow from creation of a recruitment plan, application, reference gathering, reviewing by the search committee, and, finally, selecting a hired candidate. In 2011, as part of the UC Working Smarter Initiative, the University of California selected UCI's Recruit system for system-wide deployment at all ten (10) UC campuses.

The system provides a standard, paperless process for all academic searches. Some of the major features include:

  • Applicants can manage and monitor their application progress
  • References can log in and securely upload their letters of reference
  • Recruit analysts can easily set up search plans for review and approval
  • Faculty search committees can quickly review applicants
  • Approvers can easily review and approve search plans, shortlists, and search reports
  • Self-reported diversity data is available to the appropriate groups (roles)

More information about the UC Recruit System wide Initiative may be accessed on the Recruit Project Site.

A copy of the campus announcement is available here.

To login to the UC Recruit system, visit after your department has granted you access.

For questions, send an email to